Troop 62 Parent Roles

Below are general descriptions of the key roles that exist in Troop 62. These are based off of traditional roles that most, if not all, troops utilize.

We have set a troop goal of 100% participation from each family. Each family should be contributing in one of these capacities depending on time, talents and needs.

Chartered Organization

Troop Committee - roles defined at

  • Parent Commitee Chair: Ensures all troop activities are coordinated (outside of the Scoutmaster role).
  • Treasurer: Sets annual budget and manages the troop's finances.
  • Advancement Committee: 
    • Advancement Chair: Chair with ultimate accountability for our merit badge courses, advancement and boards of review.
    • Troop Track Advancement Master
    • Secretary: Keep minutes of meetings and send out unit committee meeting notices.
    • Merit Badge Counselor: Guide scouts through a merit badge as part of an eight week Monday Scout meeting rotation.
    • Service Hours Coordinator: Ensure boys know what service projects there are and record hours.
    • Eagle Advisors: An Assistant Scoutmaster that guides Life Scouts through the Eagle process.
    • Court of Honor Coordinator: Accountable for twice a year Court of Honor (food and logistics). Utilize assistant volunteers.
    • Board of Review: Be part of a three person Board of Review adult panel. Boards of Review are conducted twice a year in the evening.
  • Troop Fundraising Coordinator: Conduct the annual wreath sales campaign.
  • Volunteer Coordinator: Coordinate the engagement and recognition of parents in the many volunteer roles of the troop.
  • Training Chair: Ensure that adults participating in Scouts have the appropriate training.
  • Recruiting Chair: Coordinate activities with Cub packs to facilitate their transition into Scouting.
  • Webmaster: Maintain the troop website. Ensure that TroopTrack data/information is accurate and up to date.

Office of the Scoutmaster

  • Scoutmaster: One adult serving a two year term to lead all boy focused activities.
  • Assistant Scoutmaster: One adult per patrol that works with the Scoutmaster to coordinate all boy focused activities.
  • Order of the Arrow Adult Advisor: Engage the Scouts in the Order of the Arrow activities.
  • Quartermaster: Ensure that the troop equipment is maintained, in good working order and ready for use. Works with the Scout quartermasters.
  • High Adventure Chair: Ensure future High Adventure campout calendar is set, forms are submitted on time, payments are received, and adult teams are setup.
  • ManyPoint Coordinator: Coordinating all aspects of ManyPoint preparations through the use of other adult volunteers.
  • Outdoor/Activities Chair: Ensure that the planning / calendar for our troop campouts is solid and complete.

General Roles

  • Parent of a Scout: Ensure your Scout attends meetings and is prepared, know how they are advancing, and help keep them engaged in the troop.
  • Campout Driver: Sign-up to drive Scouts to/from a campout or ManyPoint.
  • Campout Food: Sign-up to buy food for a specific campout (fully reimbursable).
  • Attend campout: Sign-up to attend a campout for a weekend. Participate in weekend activities.
  • ManyPoint attendee: Attend ManyPoint camp for all or part of the week to help coordinate onsite logistics.
TroopTrackHQ, LLC 51 E 3900 N Vineyard, UT 84059
TroopTrack TroopTrack is not affiliated with or endorsed by Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the USA, Baden Powell Service Association, Trail Life U.S.A., or Scouts Australia. Any usage of BSA, GSUSA, TLUSA, or SA terminology on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as an endorsement of this product by any of these organizations. © 2008 - 2025 TroopTrackHQ, LLC. All rights reserved