Troop 62 Frequently Asked Questions


What is TroopTrack?
TroopTrack is a web based service that allows us to manage advancements and improve communication within the Troop.

What can parents do in TroopTrack?
Parents can:

  • View their Scout’s advancement, including ranks and merit badges
  • View and update contact information for the Troop roster
  • View parent and leader contact information
  • View account balances
  • View the Troop calendar of events

Troop 62 has many ways to stay in touch (email distribution lists, Troop Meeting Agendas, Website, FaceBook, TroopTrack, etc.). What is the primary communication vehicle my family should monitor?

We have two primary vehicles for our troop:  

  1. Troop 62 email distribution list which consists of all email addresses entered into Troop Track, and
  2. The online Troop Track calendar is your one-stop location for dates and related information.

How do I access TroopTrack?
You will be emailed an invitation to create an account. After creating an account, you can go to from any web browser, click on the “Log In” link in the upper right corner, and enter your login information.

I forgot my password.  How do I reset it?

Click on the “I forgot my password” link in the login window.

Should boys have their own email address?

Yes!  As a boy led organization, boys should get in the habit of reading all troop communications directly. Parents will always be copied on troop communications. You can add email addresses using TroopTrack. A school email address works fine.

How do I edit contact information?
From the “Quick Nav -> Members” menu:



select the person that you would like to edit and screen similar to the following will be displayed:



Click on the “Edit” button on the right hand side of the screen to edit any contact information. CAUTION: Do not edit the “First Name” or “Last Name” fields.  These fields must match the BSA Internet Advancement records exactly.

Can a member have more than one email address?

TroopTrack allows each member to have two email addresses, but only the first email address is used for mailing lists. If you want to receive Troop announcements to more than one email address, you can open the “Email Preferences” window by clicking on your name in the top navigation bar:

Checking the “Send copies of all emails sent to me to my secondary email address too” option will enable the second email address.

What privacy controls are in place?

Parents can only view their own scout, and view contact information for other adults.  All information is only available when logging in using a username and password.

Will TroopTrack replace the current web site?
TroopTrack has public and private web pages that should be able replace our current website.  Our goal is to move existing information from the public website into TroopTrack. At that point, the address will pull up our public TroopTrack page.

Can the TroopTrack calendar be imported into my calendar software?
Yes, TroopTrack calendars support the “iCal” calendar sharing format.  You can add it to popular programs such as Outlook, Mac Calendar App, or Google Calendar using the following iCal file:

How do I view account balances?

Select your scout from the “People” menu, and click on the “Money” tab:

The account reflects any unpaid fees from past camp outs or dues. Wreath credits are applied to this account.  Click the “Details” link for more information on the unpaid fees. To pay a past fee, please bring a check made out to Troop 62 to a troop meeting.  The “Make Deposit” option is not currently supported, but will allow online payments of account balances using an account in the future.

For other questions, please contact

TroopTrackHQ, LLC 51 E 3900 N Vineyard, UT 84059
TroopTrack TroopTrack is not affiliated with or endorsed by Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the USA, Baden Powell Service Association, Trail Life U.S.A., or Scouts Australia. Any usage of BSA, GSUSA, TLUSA, or SA terminology on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as an endorsement of this product by any of these organizations. © 2008 - 2025 TroopTrackHQ, LLC. All rights reserved